Hey guys -
So I kind of stupidly cut some wood that I wasn't familiar with. It looked like a nice straight stave, so I thought I'd give it a try. Seems like a hard wood. I noticed a bit of a smell as I was cutting it down. It would be later described as "old vomit" or "stinky socks". Either way, just working off the bark and splitting it, left me with everybody asking me why I smelled so bad at dinner. This stave has precede to stink up every room I leave it in, as well as the car I transported it in. It's now drying is a seldom used room in the garage. So, any ideas? Unfortunately my phone was dead when I was in the woods, so I couldn't grab pics of the buds. I will say, the buds looked very similar to viburnum buds. It's got some nice dark heartwood, and it's an understory tree - the tallest ones were around 20' high. It's growing in a fairly wet/swampy area, (spring and fall) but none of it grows where the water typically is. If nobody can figure it out, I'll get some pics of the leaves when I get a chance, when I go back out there. I'm in southern ontario.