All the nice exotic trees are in the parks and reserves
, elms like this one grow wild near streams or rivers close to the city where seeds have washed up and self sown. If you head out into the native forest there's plenty of nice straight trees, but the weather here is a bit wild, so they often have more propeller twist than a squadron of spitfires.
I think this one in particular dried into a bit of "sideways reflex" (new term from I learnt from another thread
), as I remember it being straighter when cut, but it WAS a long time ago.
I usually end up measuring everything repeatedly and being mechanical and precise, but with this bow building business I seem to be preferring other methods of working... like running your fingers over the limb to determine correct taper, and just using sight sometimes, instead of drawing hard lines and measuring... I still laid the bow out before I started, but the whole process is tending away from rules and measuring and more towards intuition... it's kind of nice. Intuition based on 0 experience may turn out to be wrong intuition, but it's pretty fun anyway
I guess if the stave is lumpy and twisted, straight lines and measurements seem to become a bit pointless rather quickly.
Children contribute to a deterioration of mental health and I have 3 already, so I know how you feel
Certainly is a challenge, but it's providing a lot of opportunities for decision-making, so it's turning out quite fun.