You be sure to video tape that one. I don't care what the outcome is, or how short the video is, or about the production values. I will PAY to see that one.
I, personally, have worked on a plan for catching an adult gobbler by the leg and dispatching by hand. I have even gone so far as to talk with the regional supervisor of the South Dakota Game Fish & Parks law enforcement. Now, Mike has known me a while and knows I am prone to saying things for a reaction...but eventually he realized I was serious about it and he pulled out the official law books to read the details. For one thing, it is not expressly forbidden, nor does it use any weapons that are considered illegal. And as such, I was advised if I was dumb enough to try....

Now, we just need someone to go noodling for alligator snapping turtles and we have a Trilogy Video that will make enough money to cover most of our collective medical bills! Plus, we'll be so famous we'll never have to buy another drink in the bar again!