Yes, sure do.
I can see my limbs bending and returning in unison on the rope and pulley on a well tillered bow.
Now I read in a previous post on this thread that poorly tillered bows are timed. Good luck shooting those bows.
Perhaps with a homogenous bow material like FG this would not be an issue. Wood is not uniform.
When I shoot it I can sense the limbs returning in unison.
These days most everyone (except me) pops their bow onto a form and heats it to bend it to shape and get it to conform.
Work a character bow or 24 and you may see the importance of timing. YOu'll feel it in the hand shock.
I am not on a quest to get anyone to believe in limb timing though. So it is fine.
My only quest has been to get people interested in self-bowyery.
Timing is everything.
