Hi Lee Hongyi,
a shame you were not posting your bow-building exploits a few weeks back when I was in China

I'll probably be visiting Shanghai/Beijing/Handan, again later this year in October/November. Depending where you are (I suspect possibly Hong Kong, as you give your family name as "Lee", rather than Li)? Anyway, it would be great to swap archery experiences and to shoot your English longbow with you in China would be just surreal!

Look forward to hearing from you when you get a minute and good luck with the bow making, looking great so far!
p.s. In the attached picture; that's me 2nd from the left, but more importantly the famous English bowyer, Del the Cat, 3rd from the left. Del posts a lot on here and you should Google and read his Bowyers Blog on the web - miles of useful information on there for the aspiring stick-bender! LoL