Author Topic: One-two-eight roost, opening day  (Read 10084 times)

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Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: One-two-eight roost, opening day
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2014, 09:15:12 pm »
Great stories JW! Only turkey hunting can take me so low I will curse it and swear to never hunt them again, and the next minute I can't imagine not chasing longbeards. Good luck! I hope you get one!

Ain't that the dirty low-down truth!
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Offline Wolf Watcher

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Re: One-two-eight roost, opening day
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2014, 11:29:04 am »
JW  Thanks for sharing your hunts!  I have the same obsession and experiences with bugling elk!  Getting past the cows is the biggest challenge.  Barking and talking cows that are always on the alert can ruin a chance to call in a big brain dead bull.  Some kind of fun to have a big bull come in all covered with mud, wetting all over the place, answering a challenge from what he thinks is another bull.  Hard to get a bull license here on the ranch so just calling them in for the fun!  Joe
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Offline stickbender

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Re: One-two-eight roost, opening day
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2014, 01:41:01 am »

     J.W.  I used my 12 gauge double, to hunt doves, and it patterned great.  Used WWAA wads, and over shot wads, made from styrofoam meat trays, that I cut out with a punch.  I also used it to hunt the swamps, with one barrel loaded with double ought and the other loaded with three.45 caliber lead balls.  I uh heard of someone who occasionally would take double ought, and split it half way through, and put a piece of mono, in, and close the split, and repeat that with two more, and repeat the process with two more sets....... it patterns well, I mean it is supposed to pattern well.... ::) What gauge is .69?  Around 16, or 20?  See if you can get some plastic wads, and either batten, or tow, over shot wads, or the styrofoam.  You can cut cross hatches in the styrofoam, to better break up, and not interfere with the pattern.  I know you want to shoot, all primitive, and all, just saying....... Besides Bismuth is not exactly primitive, or period correct  either ...... ::).......  just saying...... ;)


Offline stickbender

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Re: One-two-eight roost, opening day
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2014, 01:48:37 am »

     As for those yahoos that kept yelping, even after you identified yourself, probably went home, or to the bar, and lamented as how they came back empty handed, because someone from peta had scared all the birds away!  Kept yelling Turkey Hunter!!  Should of looked for his vehicle and dumped turkey poop on it!  Yeah, right when we had them really yelping, we kept the conversations going, till this peta guy starts yelling Turkey Hunter!  I going to talk to the game commission about that! ::)  Unfortunately it happens.  I had a nice sawgrass pond all staked out, and I knew there should be a buck in there, and I am up in a tree, overlooking the sawgrass pond, and here comes a swamp buggy, heading right for the pond, I am thinking, will the buck hold tight, or bolt?  He holds tight, and the buggy, comes up on him jumps him, and dumps him.  I went home. :(


Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: One-two-eight roost, opening day
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2014, 11:30:19 pm »
Joe, I think there is a reason God put me in a place with very few chances to hunt elk.  The very act of decoy and/or calling an animal in while hunting is my greatest weakness.  Ducks over decoys on a pothole when I was a kid in the duck factory of North Dakota, talking turkey in the woods, buck snorting and rattling antlers....this stuff is a drug!  I think I would simply burst like an overfilled waterballoon working a hot bull elk.  It may be for the good, like I said. 

Ok, Wednesday morning I went up to 128 Roost.  I was in way early again and got right up nice and tight under the roost.  I had the box call I had won last year at the Tennessee Classic, but had forgotten the rivercane yelper.  Dawn came slipping in wearing her silent moccasins, without a sound but stirring everyone one way or another. 

Apparently my Redwing boots were soft as braintan this morning because as the dawn came, the humps and bumps of the ground turned out to be 6 fat muley does bedded and sound asleep.  As the first awoke and began sniffing the air a mere 20 yds from me, she snorted like she had gotten a nose full of full strength Drain-O!  She was on her feet with the rest of her sisters in a flash and bounding every which way.  They knew Man was there, but not where he was.  It was Keystone Kops stuff and I nearly blew up stifling laughter. 

Their commotion woke the birds on roost and alarm putts went off!  I swear it sounded like a JiffyPop factory on fire! Birds, and plenty of them!  Downside of the whole thing....they were 75 yds away and across a highway from me.  This hiway leads to many subdivisions that are bedroom communities and this was a weekday workday.  By the time I parked the traffic was already starting.  By flydown there would be a steady stream of SUV's, minivans, and soccer moms heading for their Stabucks fix and their workaday lives. 

I was devastated for the third time on this roost this year.  Zero for 3 smarts, but not the worst streak I have ever played thru.  Time to make lemonade from this big yellow sucker in my lap!  I began to key off the dominant hen.  She sounded like a two pack a day smoker, so raspy and deep.  I wanted to see if I could get her mad enough to get into a cutting fight.  Maybe one of the less dominant toms would move over this side and roost up for me for tomorrow!

I got her hot and bothered and that wound up the toms tighter than a $3 watch!  The gobblers were blowing their pipes out and the hens were getting pretty smart mouthed with me.  It was starting to get embarrassingly personal, the turkey insults were edging into inappropriate subjects, so I decided to ramp things up a bit more. 

I got up and started to walk down the ridgeline parallel to the hiway, calling every few steps.  At 75 yds, I turned 180 and walked back even faster, calling all the while.  Back and forth on the ridgeline, walking faster, finally jogging back and forth.  The hens across the road were whipped to a froth when I realized I had not heard a gobbler in a while.  Just that moment I heard yet another car coming down the road, accellerating out of the corner....until the brakes came on and the tires began to squeal!  OH BATCRAP!

I dropped the call and ran like mad for my seat cushion beneath the tall ponderosa 75 yds away.  That's where my shotgun lay.  I skidded to my knees as the first gobble from 30 yds out erupted.  Another gobble and a double gobble as I got my knees up and the shotgun in position.  The safety clicked off and the birds were so close it caused an alarm putt.  The red head appeared less than 20 yds away, walking up the hill towards me.  He looked at me and turned to my left, putting like nuts!  His breast came over the rise and I saw beard.  Another step and I pulled the trigger. 

I was carrying the Benelli this morning, and it spoke with supreme authority.  I had loaded with Hevy Shot magnum duck loads in #4's.  It was a sealed deal instantly!  I found the bird at the bottom of the hill deader than Fatty Arbuckles movie career.  He was a plump 2 yr old.  Not a bad beard for a 2 yr old, but nothing to brag about.

He's a trophy to me because of how the morning played out.  I was at a big disadvantage from the get-go.  I played the hand I was dealt, bluffed like a boss, went all-in, and won the pot. 

Like I told Joe, calling or decoying just thrills me.  I find there is an ethical side to it that other hunting maybe doesn't carry.  Here I am beating them at their own game, they are not going to be in range unless I can convince them that is where they WANT to be.  What a wonderful morning.  I was home and making coffee before 6:15 a.m.
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline chamookman

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Re: One-two-eight roost, opening day
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2014, 05:50:59 am »
Alright ! As usual Jdub, You put Me right next to You during the Hunt. Always fun to play the game, Glad Ya WON this one - two Thumbs up ! bob
"May the Gods give Us the strength to draw the string to the cheek, the arrow to the barb and loose the flying shaft, so long as life may last." Saxon Pope - 1923.

Offline Wolf Watcher

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Re: One-two-eight roost, opening day
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2014, 09:47:45 am »
JW:  You are one of a kind and I am very glad I got to meet you here at my house!  Your quick wit amazes me!  I have a turkey permit this year.  The turkeys are in the mountains and the roads are still closed so hope to give it a go after the first!  My wife and I spent the day in the back country of the ranch yesterday and we must have seen at least a 1000 head of elk in several big herds.  It's next to impossible to draw a bull tag but that doesn't mean we can't spend some time calling them.  You are welcome to come with me to try to out wit some big old bulls next fall!  Thanks for the story, it was great as usual.  Joe 
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Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: One-two-eight roost, opening day
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2014, 12:56:46 pm »
Chamook, we all know the win was just a cherry on top.  It's the chance to get in the game, a chance to be suited up and on the field that counts.  And that's why I work so hard getting out the conservation message, if we, the people that hunt and fish don't work to conserve what we have, it's over folks. 

We have to stand up to the anti's on one hand, and those with incredible resources  that would wrap up the leases and access to keep the "unwashed masses" and the working class from having opportunity.  We consciously refused to follow the European model where the landowner (our so-called betters, out Lords of the Manor House) owns the wildlife, and the commoners were poachers.  Our concept of the wildlife being a public resource was a radical concept.  It's had it's problems with overharvest and loss of populations, but we're learning better how to manage and conserve the resource. 

Look at the wild turkey.  Once it was scattered over much of North America, but after unlimited harvest and los of habitat, they were reduces to populations only in a few scattered places.  Today, thru conservation efforts we have turkeys in 49 states here in the U.S. Places where they were never native, they are now exhibiting huntable populations! 

Conservation can be as simple as pushing your best ethics when you have a conversation with friends and acquaintances.  It's a grassroots thing, always has been, and always should be.  I don't have kids and I never will.  But the idea of your children not getting to enjoy a morning's overwhelming frustration while having a turkey hunt screwed up saddens me.  Kids should get to experience these incredible lows and the inevitable highs that come along with them.  So, I am another Don Quixote tilting at a windmill.  There is no way someone as small and unimportant as me will change the world.  But I might change a few people's minds, and they in turn change a few others.  It's a theme that runs deep in this community here on Primitive Archer Magazine's Message Boards...passing it along.
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline nclonghunter

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Re: One-two-eight roost, opening day
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2014, 10:11:40 pm »
JW, congrats on your bird and thanks for the excellent story.

I also found elk bugling and calling as addicting as turkey hunting. A lot more hiking and climbing with elk hunting, but when it is on and you are in it...Amazing!. Wish I was 20-30 years younger.
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Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: One-two-eight roost, opening day
« Reply #24 on: April 27, 2014, 06:35:02 pm »
I think I should explain the name of this roost site.  I shot my first gobbler off this roost site about 13 years ago.  The next spring I went up the morning before opening day and found that the area had been aggressively thinned and the trees stacked in great long wind rows.  To say the least I stood there in the dark hours before dawn heartbroken.  I just knew it was over and done for this roost site.  I sat down to think about my next step when I heard a soft yelp in the trees below the ridgeline.

I stuck around that morning and tried counting the birds as they pitched off the roost.  Impossible!  Eventually, the birds began to work across a small bench and up the ridgeline towards a subdivision of million dollar yuppie McMansions.  I picked out two small and skinny pines and counted every bird as it passed between.  If they crossed back, I subtracted them.  When they were all gone, I was beyond astounded.  I counted 128 turkeys roosted on that site 

Two days later the regional director of the South Dakota Wild Turkey Federation was up on this roost at my recommendation and he was floored! Randy nearly crapped himself at fly-down!  He says that was one of the highest populated roosts he had ever seen in his career as a turkey fanatic.  Granted, those were banner years when there was a gobbler every 250 yards up and down a ridgeline and dozens of subdominant birds skulking around between.  This roost has had birds shot OUT OF THE TREES IN THE DARK, had deer hunters set treestands in their roosts, have been repeatedly hunted by some of the most inept turkey hunters around (myself included)...and yet it persists. 

Two year old horndog with blunt spurs and a fat little 5" beard.  Yummy, nummy, gobble gobble!
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: One-two-eight roost, opening day
« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2014, 06:35:53 pm »
In a little more than two weeks, iowabow will be snacking on turkey sandwiches and hoping for a shot at this guy's brothers!
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline Adam

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Re: One-two-eight roost, opening day
« Reply #26 on: April 27, 2014, 09:45:52 pm »
Those are great stories JW.  They incorporate all the essential aspects of turkey hunting: excitement, frustration, surprise, bewilderment, heartbreak; and most of all, (perhaps irrational) hope.  I'm currently in my 14th turkey season, and I have one whole turkey to show for it.  I think my family thinks I'm completely crazy to wake up early on my day off, drive a half hour to get cold, dirty and wet just to come home to report hearing or seeing nothing.  Rarely, I'll ask myself if it's worth it too, but every time I'm in the woods, especially in the spring, I see something in nature that makes each trip all worth it. Will I get a turkey this year?  Given my track record, probably not.  Will I have a great season and do it all again next year?  You betcha! 

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: One-two-eight roost, opening day
« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2014, 10:43:29 pm »
Ah yes, that essential vainglorious irrational hope!  Lotta mornings I feel like the character in the Peanuts cartoon, Linus.  Just sitting there alone in my punkin patch waiting for the Great Pumpkin!
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.