It seems like a good shooter to me, but I am guessing if I got my hands on a few bow made by some of you guys that make the real "sweet shooters" and compared how those feel to my bows, I would see the light

Really itchin to get ahold of a trade bow and someday get to gathering of some kind.
I am still learning to pay attention to finer things like noise and hand shock.
Gotta tell on myself now. Before getting the bow making sickness a couple years ago, I had only ever shot a couple of FG recurves and only a few times. Never killed a thing with a bow (yet), but did terrorize some neighborhood animals

Had one as a kid and probably traded it for a bag of %7*^*?
Anyway, life got crazy and 20 something years later I decide out of the blue I am gonna make bows and hunt with them even though I never done much of either before. I am probably crazy but I am pretty determined to give my kids something I did not get.
Gotta love a steep learning curve