Author Topic: An experimental warbow  (Read 33385 times)

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Offline markinengland

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Re: An experimental warbow
« Reply #30 on: January 05, 2008, 06:47:13 pm »
Ah well, such is life. I had a good time over the Xmas break working on it. I feel I have learnt and I hope my next bow will include some of those lessons.


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Re: An experimental warbow
« Reply #31 on: January 05, 2008, 10:06:45 pm »
My last four bows have failed... different reason each time. I keep thinking I have learned enough to make a decent bow but there's always a new problem with the next one.

Offline alanesq

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Re: An experimental warbow
« Reply #32 on: January 06, 2008, 04:53:16 am »
My last four bows have failed... different reason each time. I keep thinking I have learned enough to make a decent bow but there's always a new problem with the next one.

It was an experimental bow so dont feel bad that it failed; experiments are about learning

Thanks for posting the build along

Offline markinengland

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Re: An experimental warbow
« Reply #33 on: January 06, 2008, 06:26:07 am »
I think self bows are more difficult as each piece of wood needs a different approach. Laminated or backed bows might alow us to change one thing at a time and see what the effect it.
Sometimes the effect is a broken bow!
Yes, sometimes it feels like we have had enough of the learning. Trouble is, once you feel that you have the right formula it isn't so interesting and the urge to make broken bows takes over  ;D I sometimes think that I am working to perfect the broken bow! It always seems to be the bow I take the most care and time over that breaks, while one that takes littl;e thought and effort is fine. Maybe I should stop thinking.
Alan, I am glad the bow broke now rather than in use. I have learnt and I hope that the next attempt will use what I learnt and be a good one. I must try to avoid the temptation to add another variable!
So next bow is still a 110lb bow before attempting a 150. Bow making can be such fun. How else could you spend days and days having fun making something only to have the chance to start all over again. :)

Offline Asiertxu

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Re: An experimental warbow
« Reply #34 on: January 06, 2008, 07:42:27 am »
Hi Mark,
Sorry to ear that this cool experiment of yours finally failed!
Only one thing, that final pic you posted reminds me to one I took while making my first Dogwood elb (earliest stages of bending).. ;) :)...

Cheers and hope to see you next attemp at that soon...

//Asier from "Basque Country" Spain.

Offline markinengland

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Re: An experimental warbow
« Reply #35 on: January 06, 2008, 01:30:39 pm »
I was impressed with your dogwood bow. I am now on the look out for dogwood for bows now! My bowmaking firned here is as well so it is a race to see who gets a good stave first.
I think I need to make myself a non-stretch stringer. Looking at both your and my pictures it looks like the stringer has stretch a lot! Mine was nylon and believe it or not was just long enough to reach from nock to nock before I pulled the bow upwards!
My new 110lb warbow experiment has started. Ipe again, same basic stave dimensions but a little longer. This one will be bamboo backed with a bulletwood taper section in the middle. I'll go easy on the reflex this time. I'm undecided whether to put limited reflex into the whole bow or more in the tips. I may do both. maybe two inches all in but use rope to tie down so the reflex is slightly more at the tips than the centre.
The fun starts again!

Offline Yeomanbowman

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Re: An experimental warbow
« Reply #36 on: January 06, 2008, 04:22:03 pm »
Hello Mark,
I've been really enjoying this thread and learning a lot, thanks.  However I feel I should remind people that bows that appear recurved may attract unwanted attention at BL-BS and GNAS shoots.  I'd stick to a semicircular reflex glued in.  I also am reminded why I love self bows so much ;)

Offline markinengland

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Re: An experimental warbow
« Reply #37 on: January 06, 2008, 05:37:06 pm »
Would a bow that had no recurve once braced be frowned upon?
I don't give a hoot what GNAS think as I joined the dark side (NFAS) some time ago and I can't be bothered to buy the right colour green clothing.
I occassionaly shoot target longbow with the West Kent Archery Society where it seems my abherent logbows are tolerated even if not quite BLBS. I will however make a zesty long stable none-recurved lightweight bow for that, just because it will perform better for that kind of shooting.
I would shoot a warbow at roving shoots where is doesn't seem to matter too much what is used. Usually I shoot with half a dozen friends in a large field and basically anything that is fun goes (you would be welcome to join us if you fancy a trip down to the deep kentish south one day!).
Now if I wasn't allowed to shoot it at Batsford that would be a different matter!
How are you doing? Still shooting heavy bows?


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Re: An experimental warbow
« Reply #38 on: January 06, 2008, 06:51:42 pm »
Would a bow that had no recurve once braced be frowned upon?
I don't give a hoot what GNAS think as I joined the dark side (NFAS) some time ago and I can't be bothered to buy the right colour green clothing.
I occassionaly shoot target longbow with the West Kent Archery Society where it seems my abherent logbows are tolerated even if not quite BLBS. I will however make a zesty long stable none-recurved lightweight bow for that, just because it will perform better for that kind of shooting.
I would shoot a warbow at roving shoots where is doesn't seem to matter too much what is used. Usually I shoot with half a dozen friends in a large field and basically anything that is fun goes (you would be welcome to join us if you fancy a trip down to the deep kentish south one day!).
Now if I wasn't allowed to shoot it at Batsford that would be a different matter!
How are you doing? Still shooting heavy bows?

Of course you can come to Batsford, it wouldn't be the same without you, your part of the furniture there, BTW have you booked in yet, if not do it soon it's filling up quickly.
PS Sorry about your bow :(


Offline Yeomanbowman

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Re: An experimental warbow
« Reply #39 on: January 07, 2008, 04:05:02 pm »
Would a bow that had no recurve once braced be frowned upon?
It would depend upon who you beat :D  However, it would be acceptable for BL-BS as it is the braced profile that counts, not sure about GNAS.
And thanks for the offer, if I'm down that way you're on.

Offline markinengland

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Re: An experimental warbow
« Reply #40 on: January 07, 2008, 05:26:35 pm »
I guess you have to expect to fail if you're going to push the boundaries a bit. I am not sure that records would be eaten by a bow made just the same way as every other.
My Batsford form will be in the post first thing tomorrow. I now have some good thermals and a full set of Gortex. All I need is some waders and I'll be kitted out for the Sunday field shoot!
If my bow had survived I think it would have shown no reflex or recurve, just a slightly stiff outer limb appearance in both braced and full draw shape. I think the advantage of the slightly recurved tips would be stiff tips that are also lighter and faster and therefore throw further.
One day maybe I will be able to prove this  ;D
Would be good to see you and your mate one of these days, maybe in the summer. We have a nice long field in lovely country, can camp and it is very informal. It would be a bring your own beer and food ocassion though as shops are few and far between.

Offline markinengland

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Re: An experimental warbow
« Reply #41 on: January 07, 2008, 05:29:40 pm »
Sorry duplicate post
« Last Edit: January 07, 2008, 05:31:23 pm by markinengland »

Offline Asiertxu

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Re: An experimental warbow
« Reply #42 on: January 11, 2008, 03:27:11 am »
I was impressed with your dogwood bow. I am now on the look out for dogwood for bows now! My bowmaking firned here is as well so it is a race to see who gets a good stave first.
I think I need to make myself a non-stretch stringer. Looking at both your and my pictures it looks like the stringer has stretch a lot! Mine was nylon and believe it or not was just long enough to reach from nock to nock before I pulled the bow upwards!
My new 110lb warbow experiment has started. Ipe again, same basic stave dimensions but a little longer. This one will be bamboo backed with a bulletwood taper section in the middle. I'll go easy on the reflex this time. I'm undecided whether to put limited reflex into the whole bow or more in the tips. I may do both. maybe two inches all in but use rope to tie down so the reflex is slightly more at the tips than the centre.
The fun starts again!

Hi Mark!!

Thanks mate and I´m very pleased you liked that Dogwood ELB I made!!...THANKS...

I hope your next laminated warbow turns out better than this one..;)...and looking at your laminated bow Mark I got real inspired and I´d like to try my first one some day.

I REALLY enjoy your bows!!

Cheers and keep up the nice job...

//Asier from "Basque Country" Spain.

Offline markinengland

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Re: An experimental warbow
« Reply #43 on: January 20, 2008, 03:01:44 pm »
Experimental warbow 2 is glued up.
Ipe belly, Bamboo backed with a 23 inch tapered Bulletwood lam between the Ipe and Bamboo. I glued in 2 inches of reflex concentrated mainly towards the tips. Let's hope this one has a better outcome.


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Re: An experimental warbow
« Reply #44 on: January 20, 2008, 08:38:44 pm »
Hope it goes well Mark.

Sorry if this is an ignorant question... is the 23 inch middle laminate only present in the centre of the bow (a food either side of the handle)?