I think this is the part of bow making I like best. Getting the bow to shape, getting it to bend more and seeing what can be got out of it. At the moment it is all I can do to brace the bow. I am not sure I could get a string on it if it was just an inch or so longer, my arms aren't long enough!
This is where I got it to today.

There is still more wood to come off the centre of the bow, some off the l;eft hand limb tip and more off the right from almost mid limb to tip. That limb seems to be stronger than the other.
Here it is at around 16 inches, pulling about 58lbs. The early draw weight is high, too high for me.

What I am doing at the moment is pulling 50 times to 16 inches, 25kg (58lns). Checking shape while doing so. When off the tiller post checking shape at brace height with my walky-talky stick, marking stiff areas that rock with a pencil and then using the bowyers edge to remove those pencil marks and finish with the file.

This is quite slow and good exercise but gradually the braced and drawn shape is moving to where I want it. I feel failry confident that the weak mid limb areas will be up to the draw weight of 110lbs, I just need to reduce the tips and handle more to match them.
Mark in England