Okay I'm sure you've all seen me around here by now, but if you haven't - Hello and Greetings!
I'm Tet, a new member to the boards and a wannabee primitive!
I am interested in just about everything but primarily archery and wilderness survival at the moment.
I'm looking on getting into making self bows and arrows, and bone tools and maybe even a bit of leatherwork and knapping.
BUT I have no real tools or materials!
SO! I hereby offer my services in whatever off the wall crafts and I can do in exchange for whatever you all can see fit to toss my way.
I often make hemp/fiber necklaces and can weave pretty darn well and even know how to crochet to a certain extent.
I can sew (as well as cook and clean

), and I used to be a pretty good design artist when I was younger (used to make tribal tattoo designs).
There's more I'm sure but long story short, I'm looking for some people nice enough to cut me a break.
And to all reading this, if your not willing to send something to someone you don't know, your not gonna hurt my feelings.
I understand fully well that I'm basically unknown and my skills are meager at the moment.
On request I can supply pictures of what little I can do.
Let me know,