Author Topic: The "You've Got to be Kidding" Birdseye Crabapple Bow  (Read 60995 times)

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The "You've Got to be Kidding" Birdseye Crabapple Bow
« on: December 26, 2007, 09:58:50 pm »
Hello Friends,

It's been a couple months since I've been able to post a bow.  Changes at work and enjoying life as a father have made discretionary time harder to come by.  Anyway, all the time I've been away, I've known what I would post when I came back.  I built this bow just for you guys--my dear fellow travelers of this narrow road called classical archery. 

On the first day of the 2006 archery season I called in an elk which hung up about 20 feet from me on the other side of a huge Oceanspray thicket.  While I waited in vain, I noticed some Oregon Crabapple growing around the Oceanspray and I made a mental note to come back with a saw.  When I came back, this was the stave I found.  Snarly, thorny, snaky, knotty and mysteriously beautiful.  I'm not a total sucker for character bows, but they have their place and I was so confident in the integrity of Crabapple as a bow wood that I knew a serious bow could be made from that stave.  I promised myself that I would build the most perfect character bow I could. 

While I was tempted by wide limbs, extra length, and lower weight at first, I decided that I wouldn't stoop to overbuilding a Crabapple bow.  It is 66" nock to nock and very random in width but averaging around 1 3/8-1 1/2" wide at the fades.  It draws 70#s at 28". 

Limbs taper to 3/8" tips with overlays of buffalo horn.  The buffalo horn overlays have deep, carefully-fitted Abalone inlays.  The strike plate is horn with a round fretboard-type Abalone inlay.  I also strove for perfect tiller in spite of the obstacles.  Crabapple is surprisingly forgiving to work so that was in my favor. 

In spite of about 60 knots, the bow has held together nicely and shoots well.  It has no string follow at rest due to the impressive compression strength of Crabapple.  It is a sweet shooter but I'm not going to kid myself about what it is.  I crafted this bow with a great investment of time and care and I can't imagine how I would feel if it blew up. 

This bow is a reflection of the best work I am currently capable of.  I owe so much to the people here who have helped, inspired and encouraged me along the way.  This bow is dedicated to all of you.  I hope you enjoy it. 

Abalone and horn strike plate:

Showing string position at rest:

A "Glob" Fade:

Horn overlay with Abalone inlay:

About 60 knots in all:

At least I call them knots:

On the belly too:

My superior in archery Joy:

Gratuitous picture:

Lulu and a braced bow:

Backyard shooting buddy:


Last picture for sure:

             J. D. Duff
« Last Edit: December 26, 2007, 10:02:22 pm by J. D. Duff »

Offline Justin Snyder

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Re: The "You've Got to be Kidding" Birdseye Crabapple Bow
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2007, 10:03:45 pm »
Definitely got a couple of knots in it. Good job,  Justin
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Re: The "You've Got to be Kidding" Birdseye Crabapple Bow
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2007, 10:06:22 pm »
Wow, that was fast Justin!  Thanks and Merry Christmas to you and your family. 

      J. D.

Offline leapingbare

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Re: The "You've Got to be Kidding" Birdseye Crabapple Bow
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2007, 10:35:04 pm »
Oh man that F$#%ing cool... yes i said that out loud to my self when i seen the 1st pic a the full bow.
 Very cool.
Mililani Hawaii

Eric Kol

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Re: The "You've Got to be Kidding" Birdseye Crabapple Bow
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2007, 10:43:26 pm »
Thanks so much for posting that. I just destroyed my first attempt at a bow, a pretty funky peice of buckthorn. Something about the "character" wood has great appeal to me. I suppose I should be learning on board bows or easier wood, but I guess I'm a glutton for punishment.
 This is a truly inspiring bow! right on man.
\By the way, could you show a picture of your quiver/ What is the construction? Very nice. Eric

Offline Hillbilly

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Re: The "You've Got to be Kidding" Birdseye Crabapple Bow
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2007, 10:48:05 pm »
 :o :o  J.D., that's one of the most impressive bows I've seen in a long time. It's easy to see that many hours of work and craftsmanship went into it. Awesome!  8)
Smoky Mountains, NC

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Re: The "You've Got to be Kidding" Birdseye Crabapple Bow
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2007, 11:00:18 pm »
Leapingbare, thanks a lot. 

Erik Kol, hang in there.  I've broken my share of bows.  Remember that historically the very best staves were sought out for bows.  We can build character bows because we don't depend on theme for subsistence (or to maintain freedom from invading armies, etc).  This bow is an exception for me.  I usually like trying to find truly excellent staves with very little character and making the longest-lasting bow I can from it.  Go easy on yourself and buy a clean, straight stave of a reputable wood like Hickory or Osage.  It's good to get a long-lasting shooter on the bow rack. 

Hillbilly, Thanks so much.  I was hoping you would like it.  This is only my second crabapple bow but I really wish there were more good staves around.  I see good ones on private property but never where I'm permitted to cut.  Thanks again.

          J. D.

Offline Ryano

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Re: The "You've Got to be Kidding" Birdseye Crabapple Bow
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2007, 11:09:22 pm »
Dude, Thats about the coolest character bow ever! sweet!  ;D I'm very envious.......I'm always looking for staves like that.  8)
Its November, I'm gone hunt'in.......
Osage is still better.....

Offline jpitts

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Re: The "You've Got to be Kidding" Birdseye Crabapple Bow
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2007, 11:56:27 pm »
That's gotta be the sweetest character bow I've seen. The strike plate could have come off my Taylor...SWEET !!!!
Jimmy / Dallas, Georgia

Offline FlintWalker

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Re: The "You've Got to be Kidding" Birdseye Crabapple Bow
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2007, 11:59:34 pm »
I would run from a stave like that! You're much braver than me and obviously a very skilled bowyer.  That's one to show off for sure, great job!
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Re: The "You've Got to be Kidding" Birdseye Crabapple Bow
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2007, 12:20:06 am »
Ryano, Thanks a lot!  The thing I like about the bows of yours that I've seen is that they are perfectly tillered, long-lasting hunting bows.  That's what it's all about.  Character bows are fun but I don't think they are the best measure of the bowyer just as shooting pills out of the air isn't the best measure of a deer hunter.  Hey, are you running your dogs these days?

Jpitts, what a compliment.  I have always been insanely jealous of the inlays produced by good luthiers.  I've always wanted to turn out a bow that looked like a D-45. 

Saw Filer, You would be wise to run from it.  A lot of work, and for what?  Ha, ha.  Thanks again.

         J. D.

Offline Pat B

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Re: The "You've Got to be Kidding" Birdseye Crabapple Bow
« Reply #11 on: December 27, 2007, 12:57:01 am »
A master piece, Josh. Thanks for braving the build and sharing the results with us...and you did nail the tiller!!! ;)    Pat
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Offline Mechslasher

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Re: The "You've Got to be Kidding" Birdseye Crabapple Bow
« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2007, 01:12:37 am »
awsome!  that piece of wood is so knotted up i don't think a beaver would have used it on it's damn.
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Glenn R.

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Re: The "You've Got to be Kidding" Birdseye Crabapple Bow
« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2007, 01:18:56 am »
Great bow J.D.--all that character/looks great, and I'm with J.D.--its amazing all the talent and craftsmanship thats brought out by all of you on this site.

Offline Sidewinder

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Re: The "You've Got to be Kidding" Birdseye Crabapple Bow
« Reply #14 on: December 27, 2007, 01:35:09 am »
JD your my kind of guy. Excellent excellent job. You must be a real sutbborn fella when you want to be cause it doesn't look like you had any give up in ya when you labored on all those knots. Hopefully I will develop my skills to the point I feel confident in taking on a bow with any character knots let a lone a gazillion of them. Once again the bar is raised. Danny
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