78 ish nock to nock, 120 at 32. Just another boring bow I guess.

(tiller ain't fantastic, I know,


I screwed the finish up on this one. I think my room I do my finishing in has been overcome with wood crap and dust from me working on bows and tracking it in. Had to steel wool all of the tru oil off. I used some black bison paste wax over it afterwards. The smell was horrible. So I made my own paste wax with using some carnuba flakes, some beeswax, and some turps. Which turned out pretty good, looks and smells nice at least, so I am happy. The wax I made works great, and is better than the pure beeswax paste wax I have used. Applied in very fine layers, and buffed out good. I need a better way to photograph my bows. I hate using the beat up old chair (that my wife won't let me get rid of because supposedly she bought it in france, or it is from france, or something like that, lol). I was thinking of making some kind of stand or something? I wish I had some land and some woods, that would be great to photograph bows against. My backyard sucks.