Finally "mostly" finished my quiver/pack combo, still have some leather treatment I need to do, and I need to add some fur around the top of the quiver to keep the rattling down a bit. I'm also going to add some straps on the sides between the quiver and pouch, as well as on the other, to hold some rope or even lash my bow to the quiver itself. Overall it's very functional and I like it a lot. I can remove each of the pouches separately, and the big pouch has rings to carry it as a possibles bag or even a small backpack. The quiver itself also detaches and I can carry it by itself if I don't want to carry any gear.
This was my first attempt at leather work, and I think it came out OK, but I see many things that I will do differently in the future. For now though, it gives me a way to carry a days worth of gear and my minimum required tools for a day hunt, plus some survival type gear and rations in case I have to stay a night or two out if I get caught in a bad place. I hope you guys like it, and let me know what you would do different, I like constructive criticism.