I agree Mohawk13, I have the 12x12 version of that tent from sportsman's guide. I love my tent, we have spent some pretty questionable nights in it down at the lake. Had tornado warnings and even some 80mph burst of wind and it held up nicely with no damage or leaks. I did use all the tie downs. Also if you get it I would set it up in your yard in the sun, take a garden hose and spray the heck out of it inside and out, this will open all the pores. Then let it dry really good, have plenty of camp dry, and after its dried spray the inside but not the windows. Then let it dry, then spray the entire outside with two coats of your camp dry. It's a little time consuming and expensive but I have done this for years to all of our scout tents and those tents and my personal ones have never leaked! We have been in some pretty bad down pours and the snow too.
I would get your tent they are well worth it! Just my 2 cents!