@DBar: thanks! There definitely were some obstacles to overcome along the way.

@clean_missed: thanks man, cloth skin material for one bow was probably $2.50!
@IdahoMatt: thanks, glad to have you along for the ride!
@TimBo: Thanks!
@patrick: Yep, just got the big shot and love it already!!
@higheagle: thanks, she will definitely try!
@dvshunter: thanks much man!
@hunterbob: thanks, it was a blast. Good luck with yours!
@badly bent: thanks, I cant wait to hit the mountains with her!
@seminolewind: thanks! Ill be west of Gunnison in 65
@JW: Its not that hard to make bows that are better looking than me!

Im loving the speed and smooth draw. I have no doubt that a well-placed arrow will do the job!
@Robby: thanks much man, I appreciate it! It seems to me that the prepared tend to get luckier, so Im doing what I can.

@CMB: thanks!
@Tracy: thanks much!
@Chris; thanks bro, it definitely wont be my last! Practice is my middle name. I was out stump shooting yesterday.
@neolithicman: thanks! I appreciate the handle compliment! Handles are probably my favorite part of the bow.
@Badger: thanks Steve, thats the plan!
@Zuma: well go for it! Thanks!
@vinemaplebows: thanks I appreciate it!
@zenart: thanks much! I will definitely update everyone when I get back.
@ohma2: thank you! Grips are fun. I dont prefer the wrapped ones personally; I like the feel of wood on my hand and to keep it narrow. I try to set it up so my hand slides right into my shooting position.
@4dog: thanks bro, I appreciate it!