I have had two big bangs in the first days of February, perhaps some of you remember. It was a desaster (
http://www.primitivearcher.com/smf/index.php/topic,37525.0.html ).
I crabbed out two new staves from my elm stave stock and finished an already begun elm bow. So can show you three new bows. All three are whych elm and all three have a dashed D cross section. I will post them in the upcoming days when I have time enough.
O.K. here is the first
1/3 whych elm longbow
The first one is heavy heat treated and came out with 84#/28". She had 74# before heat treating - gained 10# or 14%. A dogleg and a twist were heat corrected. In the stave were two large and deep holes nearby (rotten powdery stuff). I situated them in the handle area, which made it necessary to leave the handle stiff. I worked out all the rotten wood and filled the holes with an alloy (don't know the exact metals). It came out very nice IMO, so I decided to do the arrowpass/mark in the same manner - hollowed out the shape of a broadhead and filled with the same stuff.
The rawhide backing is dyed with 4 different colours to get the used look.
The arrows are hickory sticks with heavy points, total 900grains, turkey fletching, linnen wrap.
hope you like here, enjoy

belly, upper limb is right

back, upper limb is right