Congratulations on getting a shooter!

The low amount of set indicates the bow is probably well designed. However, I do have a few reservations. I agree with adb that this bow bend too much near the center. Although the tiller is difficult to judge as it must be in accordance with the unbraced profile. The full draw profile illustrates a shape that should match a bow with a lot of deflex in the handle and only a bit of reflex near the tips. Without seeing a pic of the unbraced bow it's hard to say for sure, but this looks like a bow that bends way too much in the handle.
Additionally, this extreme bend near the handle is probably a recipe for the handle to pop off. I assume the handle is a glued on piece of maple, correct? The fades of the handle are too short and the bend of the full draw pic shows too much bend near the handle and into the fades. I would be surprised if this handle stayed on, actually.. I am also not too fond of that sight window in the handle. Although it is a matter of preference whether you like a shelf or not, we can inconclusively say that the positioning of the shelf is seriously weakening the fade.
It seems like a well crafted bow, it really does. You really put effort into this. It's just that the middle ten inches of the bow seriously worries me in more than one aspect. I hope I don't come across as being a jerk, since I just want to give you some constructive critiques.