Well, during the whole ammo buying craze, the "small game meat-maker" (12 gauge #6 shot) never went up in price here. Everyone was stockpiling .223, 7x62x39mm, and .308 like we were fixin' to get invaded by some major army. Places were sold out. Some people were thinking they'd hunt elk and deer if the country collapsed or some dang thing. Well, 12 gauge #6 is what's going to make meat. The deer and elk would be hunted out in two months if the country fell apart. The meat would be rabbit, jackrabbit, raccoons, feral dogs and cats, and so on. No one thinks about that. They all think deer and elk. Really, raccoon meat makes more sense. Many of the "gettin' ready for the end of society" folks haven't even hunted. Never skinned and gutted. So, how are they going to prepare that meat, assuming the situation happened?
Not to take it too far, but if America did collapse, they'll have a lot of unforeseen variables. Shoot, this state would just up and form itself into a new country. It already wants to. Texas would, too. That's exactly what would happen. States or groups of them would just reorganize as new countries. They've all got National Guard assets plus whatever federal assets existed there and could be seized. Oh, there'd be some bickering and squabbles as every new country shook itself out and figured out what they were going to do. Maybe Arizona would cut off California's access to the Colorado River water until concessions were made on how it was going to be paid for. But the whole shebang ain't going to fall apart and disintegrate into little fiefdoms the size of a town. Not with all those tanks and choppers each state has got in National Guard inventory. A state governor isn't going to pass up the chance to be a king of queen. Our governor here would leap at the opportunity. In fact, we have a state law that says she can raise her own army if she declares a "state emergency".