The .44 with the woods grips made me feel like a was trying to hold a pit bull back leashed with yarn. I'm a function over fashion kind of guy. To each his own.
It is a fun gun to shoot especially late afternoon as the light begins to fade and big fire balls come out of the end and sides. I haven't killed with it yet other than finishing off a doe that had already been shot. Missed 1 hog right after I got it but I'm blaming that on the sights being off still.

Had a small buck dead to rights at 25yds but he didn't meet the standards of our hunting property.
I've had one "idiot" moment with mine so far which made be glad I practice always pointing in a safe direction. Mine has somewhat of a hair trigger and I was sighting it in one afternoon while sitting down. I pulled up for a 1 hand shot and chickened out because it was my first shot of the day and I was a bit intimidated. I brought it down to let the hammer back down and as my arm came to rest on my leg it caused my finger to squeeze involuntarily. Next thing I knew the gun went off and I had taken the front sight right to my left eye. Luckily it had closed first but I thought I had literally lost my eye for a few minutes. I hit the ground covering it for a while. The pain was terrible. Luckily I came out with only a good cut on my eyelid. I was shooting again 20 minutes later. I felt so stupid.
The moral is always point it in a safe direction and KEEP YOU FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER unless you are pulling it. A gun like that can change your life in a quick second.