Last year folks went out of their way to make sure I got to the Classic. It was a humbling experience and I spent a lot of time wondering how I could take this and do the Classic PA Thing. How could I pass it along.
Well, I had a windfall come my way this last year and I stuffed it in a mason jar and buried it in the backyard. I am ponying that windfall up for seed money to see this thing off! So folks, think about how cool it would be to bring Del the Cat over to the Tennessee Classic! Imagine the clash of culture as a funny talking foreigner tries to talk bows with funny talking southerners (all this coming from a funny talking almost-Canadian). That should be worth the price of admission, in the least! Heck, we might even get a great article in P.A. out of this!
Airfare is about $1,200 and I already have the first 25% IN HAND - IN CASH! Do you think we can do this, I do!
Go dig the spare change out of the couch cushions, empty the coffee can of nickels and dimes, go sell a pint or two of plasma, and let me know what you can chip in! Send me a private message and I will keep posting a running tally.