Go hit up your local game lands...ya have two nearby....numbers 56 and 157....and go whack a sapling or two down

ya should have hickories,oaks,hard maple,elms,hophornbeam, n plus a few others around...don't be too specific species oriented of the ones I listed...just look for any of those that are clean,free of knots n limbs,n most importantly straight grained....if the stature looks straight but the bark twists up the tree like a candy cane(extreme example) then leave it alone...the bark will tell ya most times if its clean n straight wood underneath....go harvest a few saplings and reduce em down to near bow dimension n seal em up good,n while there drying for a month or two learn how to choose proper grain in lumber n go pick up some (in order of preference) hickory,maple,white oak,or red oak lumber n cut your bowmaking teef on em
Welcome to pa fellow pennsyltuckian

go steelers!!!! Sorry your so close to philthydelphia

all the better bowyers in this state that hang out on any of the forums are over here in western pa

...n that's a fact