Thanks Steve,it seems to be fast at 25 inches,not sure how much more I can get the
curves to bend with just another inch,they are bending but aren't going to flatten as some have said they need to.

It is about 1/2 inch behind the handle after lots of shooting and staying braced for a couple of hours,then back to 1 1/2 after a very short rest. I think I am just going to take a few scrapes to reduce the weight a couple more pounds it is 53@25[little heavy for what I want] and call it good.I am shooting for high 40's to 50 @26. I have a knot in one of the curves and have been trying to keep them even and so far have ,it just don't want to move much through the knot and I am not sure I want it to.

I'm with you Matt,reminds me to much of ERC, I know it's not but it reminds me of it.

I have some really bad and exciting experience's wit ERC.