Yeah, Eddie, same here. I finally wised up and started wearing shoes. But they were tennis shoes.
At least they kept my feet somewhat safe from the broken glass. My Dad used to use burnt motor oil, and sulphur
for treating mange, on our dogs, or the neighbors dogs. It worked great. Never thought about the turpentine. Turpentine is great stuff, and so many uses for it. From oil painting, to medicine, etc. I know my Grandfather used to gather pine sap for the turpentine stills, in Alabama, when he was a teenager, and used some sort of handle, with a short length of chain, and a ball with hawks bill blade to cut the slashes on the trees, and then drive in the spiles, and hang the buckets on them. One day, the blade bounced off of a tree, and sliced his leg, he said he just grabbed a handful of the pine sap, and slathered it on the wound, and cut off a piece of his pants leg, and wrapped it up, and went back to work. It healed up fine. No sick leave in those days. You worked, you got paid. You didn't work, you didn't get paid.
There is a lot of natural healing stuff around, but a lot of it is kept out of the public knowledge. Like Vinegar. So many uses for it also. Sorry I missed the knapp in, but I got a bad head cold, and just came on home.