@KillerD: yep, I'm paying more attention to the middle to get the bend going there. Hopefully it will round out nicely in the next few inches. thanks!
@Steve: will do. I've experienced that before where I go from long string to brace to be sprised how how the DW is. I'm confident I have a good amount more to loose here though. As the tiller progresses you'll have to let me know how I'm acheiving the eliptical tiller you speak of. thanks man!
Below is a pic of the current tiller at 13 inches pull from resting. It's 47# at the pull. It lost no DW but did lose 1/16 on the reflex.
Now rather than running through the rockies with a bright yellow glow stick I decided to back the bow with a cloth snakeskin pattern I recently bought. Looks cool wet hopefully it looks as good dry. I wet it first, ring it out, coat the bow with TB II and let it get tacky, then add a bunch of glue and put the cloth on, and clamp it down for good measure. I'll rasp off the edges tomorrow. And there you go, snakeskin looking back for abotu $2!