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Making Split Timber Shafts
I'm surprised that jig works as well as it does. I really like my router jig so I don't really need an alternative, but that is pretty cool that you can make a decent shaft in under two minutes without spending a bundle.
One thing you have to understand about the hand planing and Strunk-style plane is that your results will vary a lot with how good of material you have. With Doug Fir, you can expect some rustic shafting as the blade tends to gouge a little. If you have POC, your results will be better. But, if you have a tennon jig--you may have something better already.
J. D. Duff
I wouldn't be too quick to give split timber shafting a C+ on the Primitive scale, considering that the oldest arrows in the world (11000BP), from Stellmoor, Germany, were made from split pine, and the same technique was used on the world's second oldest arrows, too (from Mesolithic Denmark, and of pine and birch). For all we know, split timber shafts predate shoot and reed shafts!
Now, router fixtures have been in use only since the 1920's, I guess, but even that is still more ancient than the plainest fiberglass longbows.
Excellent point-hand planes or doweling jigs make some wonderful shafts-C+ i dont think so-bob
Sorry that I bump an old topic.
I would like to make a plane like that you use in method #2. Could you explain more how to make it?
Sweeeeeeeet. There's tons out there on how to make bows, not so for arrows! Thanks J.D.! I use s piece of metal with gradutaed holes instead of the router though. Don't come out as nicely (they have grooves on 'em), and time depends on how hard the wood is.
D.Tiller- I still have to make on of those things! My dad has a very old 1/2" model, but I'm sure I can rig up a wooden 3/8" model :).
You guys keep adding to my to-do list ;D!
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