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Making Split Timber Shafts

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Thanks Marlon,

My powered jig makes a pretty-close-to-perfect 23/64ths.  I'm going to hand plane some shafts that are 1/2" tapered to 3/8" here soon.  I wanted to do a few Mary Rose replica arrows while I'm on the project. 

               J. D. Duff

         Love reading how others make arrows , top subject . After I have reduced my shafts to 16 sided with a small hand plane I taper the point end , glue a point on and clamp the shaft into either a electric hand drill or my sewing machine motor come cresting jig that I'v attached a drill chuck to and spin them up on a sheet of sand paper I hold in my hand , the arrows come out perfect round every time . It can get hot but Im not clever enough to wear a glove, suggest others should , but if need be this makes it easy to straighten the shaft.
        I then size them with a piece of metal that has various diameter holes and sand out the sanding mark with fine sand paper . A mate made the happy mistake of squeezing the footed shaft he was making a little tight and the extra heat generated made the footing spiral like a barber pole- looks brilliant and doesnt affect durability of the arrow . He has made arrows that the footing spirals 360% .
        Regards Perry

D. Tiller:
Oh JD check out this one!!!,180,42288

Time per shaft 8 seconds. Cost - $25. Time to make tool:  None!!!  ;D

D. Tiller

I've seen those jigs a couple of times, how on earth does it work?

they work very nicely thank you. ;)

actually you chuck the 7/16 ths square stock in a drill and slowly power it through the cutter. The cutter is nominally a 3/8 inch dowel but you can get some variation in diameter depending on how you set the cutters. I have made very fat 11/32 shafts with mine.

I also suggest you make an outfeed support so the shaft cant go whipping all over as it goes through the cutter. I use a length of 2x4 as the cutter support and it has a pvc tube mounted as the outfeed so the spinning shaft wont fling about and snap.

you will have to fiddle with the blade setup a bit to get a clean cut cause if you dont then it is a very rough cut and needs a lot of sanding.


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