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Making Split Timber Shafts

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J.D. Thats way cool man, I bet it took half a day just to post all that , Good info and Ive been intending to do the router route , but Im just to lazy I guess , I know this took alot of your personal time and we all appreciate the post Thanks Trapper

Thanks Trapper--I just joined a month ago and I'm so glad to have a place where I can help others and get a lot of help myself.  Labor of love, huh?  J. D. Duff


I have been looking for some way to make a shooting plane like Mr. Strunk's  and your the first one I have seen. How do you setup the plane blade? I assume the blade is rounded but I have no idea how to do this accurately. If you could do us a build along to make the track and plane I would greatly appreciate it.

Hey Ragi,

I'd love to do a build-along for a track plane.  I need to finish the Mary Rose build-along first, but let's start after that, huh?

Thanks for the interest.

               J. D. Duff

Nice shafts what diameter are they? marlon


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