I've decided, after building over 40 bows, and lurking here for a couple years, it's about time I give something back.
So here's the beginning of an Ocean Spray (Holodiscus Discolor) Mollegabet that I started today.
Since Ocean Spray doesn't grow very large in diameter, I'm not sure whether to call it "a log", or "a sapling"..... Whatever....
I'm starting from a piece 52" long, 2-3/8" at the butt, and 2" at the small end.
Ocean Spray is notorious for checking and splitting and cracking right down to the pithy core in nothing flat..... So after I harvested it last year, I wrapped it up under a couple layers of cellophane and slid it under the bed with the others.....
But today the bug hit me again, and I couldn't help myself any longer. I dug it out and unwrapped it, and broke out the yardstick and marker, and plugged in the bandsaw. STAND BACK! I'm makin' another one, baby!
I'm pretty much planning on backing it with rawhide, just because I have it laying around from the doe I took last year. I think it's good magic to back a bow you use for hunting, with materials from the animals you have harvested. It's a "full-circle" relationship that bonds the spirit with the tangible.....
Pictures and more rambling to follow....