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Badger - frame rate could be higher but then resolution would be lower. I like more resolution is better because then you can see all the phenomenon more clearly. Then, one problem is light - you need every light possible, and more. For example, the apple video, there were about 4 kilowats of halogen lights directed to the apple, barely enough. And then, those Youtube-videos are quite bad quality, they are compressed to about one percent of original size.
I have filmed thumb ring release but I have to edit and upload them to Youtube, so please wait. What I can tell is, that bow hand motion is NOT the solution. Bow hand is moving but after the arrow has passed riser of the bow.
One project is filming and calculating the acceleration of the arrow (and dynamic "draw" force curve). It will be interesting to know, how different weigth arrows are accelerating.
Here is mandarin shot with judo point, useless but fun...