i had this branch for about a year, had a bad check(about an 1/8'' wide, 5"long) through the back of the handle. wrapped it with sinew and it came out around 35 at 28" too light for me so i threw it in the corner. it sat there for almost 2 years had a crap ton of reflex in the upper limb and i coundnt even string it up. so i heated most of the reflex out, to a manageable 2".
sinew wrap on the handle didnt feel like enough. so i also wrapped with wet rawhide and it seems to be holding up quite well.
had a good part in the weather but the rain came back, had to take an indoor F/D shot
i was very impressed with this wood. i feel confident in calling it "Prince of Bow Wood"
holds a good 1" reflex
burgundy elk leather handle with the Strunk lace pattern

Thanks for Looking:)