Had posted a couple deer I had got with osage bow and rose shoot arrows this fall. Someone said I should showhow I made the arrows. Ihad said maybe when deer season wound down.
Well I have been collecting some shoots so I'll attempt to explain what I do. Don't claim to know it all but the arrows have been working pretty good for me.
I would be glad to learn something from this too so please add anything that may help me make them better or easier!!
Bear with me and here goes!!
First go collect some shoots... be fussy, hey don't get straighter after you get them home to the shop. Also get them a lttle bigger than you think you need. They seem to shrink a lot after they are dethorned, scarped and dry out. Get a avriety of size so you can get an idae of what you will need to get them spine right for your bow.
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