BOWMAN53, PeteC, hunterbob, Grady – Thanks!
JW_Halverson – hilarious! Thanks man!
Zenmonkeyman – haha! Thanks! Actually it is hard to compete with friends, cell phone, facebook, iPod, other personal electronics, her skateboard, and etc… at least she doesn’t have a boy friend! (that I know about!)
IdahoMatt, blacktailcody, vinemaplebows, adb, NeolithicMan - Thanks!
Weylin –thanks bro! I really appreciate it. For the handle I used a paintbrush to brush on the dye in the parts I wanted dark. You have to be careful because the dye wants to bleed so you need to start back from the edges and work your way too them. The gold was also painted using the same acrylic metallic gold I used on the rest of the bow. For that you get the part you want to paint a little damp so the water will draw the paint into the leather somewhat then you paint it how you want. I should have done another coat as I noticed in the direct sun the paint is a little thin but it should be good enough.
You can also just use dye. In that case you follow the same procedure but you paint with dye rather than paint. The problem with dye is that you can’t really use it to make the leather lighter in color so acrylic paint turns out to be a good option for that.
I hope that answers your question. Thanks again man!
Badger, Badly Bent, bow101, Adam, DuBois, lostarrow, adams89, Mohawk13 – Thanks!
SLIMBOB – Thanks! Yes she is the one that goes with my brother and I when we take trips to the range. I thought my 16 year old son would be more into archery but sadly he’s not. But she loves it and I’m glad it gives us a special something that we can do together. The other day she said “Let’s shoot at the same time!”
So we both held up our bows and she called out “Ready! Aim! Fire!” and we let arrows fly in unison… it was cool. Thanks again!
half eye – ha! Thanks rich. The good thing is that it sits nice and pretty on my bow rack so I can sneak a few shots when she’s not looking.
Will H – thanks!