Id name it "Stressed out". Truth is, your bow is severely overdrawn and underbuilt for 31" of draw. Being hickory it'll take anything you give it and stay together. Next time try adding about 6-7" of length to it and your set will drop dramatically and of course your performance goes up equally.
The name I suggested is all in fun, please don't think Im picking on you.
Even if you were trying to pick on me, it would pale in comparison to how my siblings and in-laws pick on me

No worries. The length was another thing that didn't turn out exactly how I wanted. I intended it to be about four inches longer, but I lost the extra length while I was shaving it down. When I got down to the tillering stage I had decided that it would be my wife's bow. I just couldn't help myself though and I started shooting it.
+1 pearl...and it looks like your no where near 31" of draw either....ya sure you draw that with a stick bow? No offense but I'm doubting it by the picture evidence.... get an arrow and mark it inches,then try to shoot normally with someone watching you shoot to see how far back your really drawing....once you know your true draw length then you can design accordingly more to your desired specs....not picking on ya,just some constructive criticism for ya to do better on the next one....
I tried measuring like that and it came out to 29"

The way I measured it the first time was by holding a yardstick to my chest and measuring to my fingers. I guess that was the wrong way to measure it. Oh well, learn something new everyday

Is that the "official" way to determine draw length? And constructive criticism is something that I appreciate, so thank you!