Running Bear, deffinately a 1953.
Wayne; the Bear Museum has been closed for about ten years. Bass Pro bought all of the good stuff and scattered it around the country.
Well that sucks!
It has been awhile since I was there. I had told my neighbor who had to go to a Dr. on Archer road, to stop by there with her young son. She wasn't able to get there, as she was pretty busy, with other stuff also. Good thing.
Well then you be the man to go to, for technical info.
Thanks for the up date. #$#@!!! Bass Pro!
So is Bear still in business? I have not been keeping up with the archery business in general. I know Bass pro has some non wheelie bows here in Port ST. Lucie, one is a straight bow, looks pretty nice, for a $100.00 or so. I don't know the weight, or length of pull. I will have to go back and ask to look at it. I didn't see anything that looked like a Bear, but I wasn't looking for one either. I still have my Bear Grizzly, but is only 45#, but it is fast! It is in Montana at the moment, along with the bow you gave me. I am getting ready to go to Brooksville to teach a clown class, for the Div. of Forestry, in a few minutes. I will try to swing by the Dade city knapp in, if I can on Friday. Depends on what time we finish the class, and get all the certificates, and CEU"S for their Fire Inspectors certification. If not, then Maybe Sat. or Sun. I need to get some more gravel material.