So, I finally have a real workspace, and I am so stoked. Joined a sorta co-op collective gear head/welder/carpenter/maker club, 20,000 sq. Ft and some decent equipment.
Anyway, enough back story(almost), I haven't shot ina few years AND dearly miss it so I'm doing my to make a decent bow or two.
So, here's what I got brewing--sorry photos in morning, I'm beat.
Bow one is a red oak board bow which I started probably four years ago but didn't get far,at this point I'm thinning it down but I'm not quite sure on what limb shape I should go with. The board was originally 1"x2"x7' its now maybe a bit over 6' long with a slight taper. Oak to me always seemed strong but brittle, but I don't know red oak and have heard good things. So any advice on limb shape or I suppose overall even, how thin can I make it before it just splinters? That's my main worry.
Sorry for asking so many questions, I really have read a bunch of howtos and such, but feedback would be amazing.
Second bow question....
I'm making a bow out of spruce, I've heard.... A few good things about it.I'm using a 2x2 and shaping it down. Can I even do this? I'm thinking of making the limbs quite thin with some sort of backing, either hide or fiberglass or wood laminate. Unless spruce has the right properties to do without. I've tried to read up but didn't find as ton.
The spruce has pretty decently straight grain, no knots that won't be shaved away.
The red oak is.... Kinda straight grained but not as straight as I'd like. I'm planning on focusing on the red oak tomorrow I think.
Thanks for listening to my tired kind of stoned(hilariously, actually medicinal)