If you seal the Ipe with shellac first (Bulls Eye works fine), you won't have trouble when you apply tru-oil.
Thank you for chiming in Gordon. So just one coat of shellac will do it?
I used to use tru oil up till about a year ago. Made the switch to tung oil and never looked back. It dries quicker and doesnt go outta date nearly as quick as tru oil.
So are you Bubby and Pearl talking about tung oil finish, or pure tung oil? If the finish, do yall know what solvent they use in it, turps or naptha? I can't stand the smell of naptha, like with poly, it kills me and I won't use it.
tung oil and paste wax will give you a beautiful finish tmk
I've did the same same pure tung oil. What paste wax do you recommend? (I think I might of asked this like 5 times on here now, lol, sorry for the repetitive questions,

). I got some beeswax and carnuba, some turps, plus some flaxseed oil (not linseed with the metal driers in it, the health food store kind), and I was thinking and trying to mix up some of my own paste wax.