so I have the opportunity to make a workbench...
here is the only problem- Most of the workbenches I have seen don't seem to be able to handle the stress of making a bow...
or they move too much for precise work.
I do have limits on lumber- not much.
I am thinking a LOT of weight on it.
Such as... a 3 layer top of 1" plywood....
It does need to be strong.
Massively so.
So where is the best location for the vice on the workbench?
its a conventional vice-

I am thinking a corner.
I do use a vice for roughing out(drawknife and occasionally hatchet).
I am going to bolt it down with either wood screws or maybe some bolts.
Good enough?
my current workbench is a ancient(actually only a little over 100 yrs old) woodworker's bench made from oak. it weighs around a couple hundred pounds with all the stuff I have on it(it has a very good little rack that I put staves on)... I can't move it. neither can dad.
it has a woodworkers vice attached to the side.
Great except for tillering.
It doesn't move, even when chopping staves.
What would be the minmium weight for such a bench, roughly 5 feet by 2.5 feet top... so it won't move much(it is freestanding) when it is on smooth concrete flooring?
I am making this for a bowmaking friend of mine.