About a year and half ago or so I made an erc sinew backed that turned out pretty nice but had just a sliver of heartwood on the belly. I wanted to make one with more heartwood. Had a good straight stave with only 1 major knot so I gave it a try. Cut off most the sapwood with the bandsaw and then worked the rest down to the heartwood. Backed it with some rawhide and started on my way. The stave ended up being just big enough to make it about 1.75 wide to mid limb and 68" long. With all heartwood I wasn't expecting a lot of weight so I was wanting 40-45 at 27"
Well I made it to 25" and mid 40's on the tree. Tiller was looking good. Decided to pull it in my hand a bit. Felt good. Pulled a bit further .....BOOM....both limbs snapped about equal distance from the fades. It would have been pretty

Maybe try another and leave some sapwood. Have a hackberry and some others to finish first though.
Just thought I would share.