Had a lovely time shooting in the Hertfordshire sunshine at Wadesmill yesterday afternoon with a good mate of mine. I'd been shooting about an hour or so when there was a terrific "crack" and my 110# maple-backed ipe warbow died on me at full draw

Top limb just sheered completely off about a third of the way down, found a small patch that appeared to have pinged off the belly at the centre of the top-limb so suspect that this is where the problem lay

I had a quarter pound arrow on the string as well, could have been very nasty, but the gods smiled and everything went its merry way missing me completely....
Forced to take a rather fierce 120# Joe Gibbs laminate out of its bag, strung it and was throwing 1/4lb'ers out to 200yds for the first time on the adrenaline buzz! Silver linings and all that!