Got it too weak in outer limb and n my wisdom decided to just pull it until it gave...not a smart idea at all.
I had wrapped rawhide about 3" from tips and that held together but snapped clean off. I don't know if it was the wood still in the string or if I just got whipped in the gut by the string but it crossed my eyes for a second either way.
Had some maple tips with osage underlays that I screwed up from an attempt at a horn bow in the past that never got posted. I modified these for wrap on siyahs/extensions and put them on with epoxy and dust then added another layer of moose sinew up onto siyahs a bit, then wrapped up with sinew and rawhide.
70 at 25" Not sure am getting it all in the FD. Fake sinew string.
Rat snake (first skin) and it has some cracks in finish

I posted this in my other posting.
dyed rawhide grip.
WTH is wrong with me???