Thanks a bunch guys/gals/kids. This has always been a very special place for me but over the last few years with yalls help it has became much more special.Just beautiful. Got lots of pictures to post as soon as I get caught up a bit around here.
Thanks again for all that attended and our thoughts with those that couldn't. It was a great time and record numbers.
Hope someone got the group PA picture,some missed out on it because of all that was going on but I think we got most everyone.
i also want to add a special thanks for all that helped out in the shop and everywhere else that they see the need,great bunch and would be hard to pull this off without them. Miss Heather,thanks for keeping
me feed,I forget to eat somethimes but she made sure Matt and I got something
everyday,busy or not and Cody reminding me food was fuel.
You guy/gals are the greatest and like family to me,I mean that from the heart.