got some osage for christmas!
we found 2 big trunks, split them w/ wedges in 1/2 and divvied up... luckily, my buddy wanted some "character" stuff, and as a novice I got the cleaner halves. Split my halves into thirds -did 1" kerfs slo and steady with the circular. WD40 really helped - no kickback.I could definitely see kerfing as dangerous on a twistier log, or deeper cut. Followed w/ 4" wide chisel and hatchet blades.worked like a charm -only bounced wedges twice. Should be able to piggyback some also. staves are about 7', so I think if I start below 2" by the planned handle area of a stave, and cheat to other side,I should be OK getting a piggyback or two.
may be able to get more for trade material, hopefully some more monsters in there, if the guy lets me back in.
Shellacked ends and bare bark spots. Gonna finish up 2 board bows before even touching this stuff...
We had a lot of Ice here - anyone travelling on I-81 over xmas might find some osage down next to the road, especially near Strausburg, VA.
Happy holidays, all.
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