Author Topic: Sad, sad, sad people tricking bowyers worldwide :(  (Read 11195 times)

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Offline wood_bandit 99

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Re: Sad, sad, sad people tricking bowyers worldwide :(
« Reply #30 on: December 31, 2013, 06:29:39 pm »
Wood bandit, how long have you been building bows?

That bow with the "amazing tiller" (not my words so you know they must be true ;) ) was my 12th bow..... I think. I am in the teens though
"Judge a man by his questions, not his answers" ~Anonymous

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Offline vinemaplebows

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Re: Sad, sad, sad people tricking bowyers worldwide :(
« Reply #31 on: December 31, 2013, 06:34:53 pm »
You must realize that a lot of bowyers on this board have been building for 20 + yrs, Myself included. What may seem undoable to you,(THE STAVE) but is very doable to others. Yes, they are giving you crap, but you will be doing the same in a few yrs...don't let it get to ya! ;D

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Offline 1442

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Re: Sad, sad, sad people tricking bowyers worldwide :(
« Reply #32 on: December 31, 2013, 06:37:35 pm »
Sure looks like a little twist to me. maybe not a lot but I sure wouldn't call it NO TWIST. I wouldn't call it straight either. That's how it is discribed by the seller,
How long someone has been building bows has nothing to do with twist in wood and I dont care if someone has built bows since they was two and have been a member here before they where born. If that person said that stave was straight with no twist, I would disagree with them.   Terry

Offline criveraville

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Re: Sad, sad, sad people tricking bowyers worldwide :(
« Reply #33 on: December 31, 2013, 06:42:41 pm »
What in the WORLD is the point of this idiotic, pointless and self serving thread?

Wood badit, I certainly DO NOT appreciate you name calling, rudely and disrespectfully calling people out. You young person are out of line.

I teach kindergarten and I have not had a student behave in the manner you are behaving.

I was HECHO EN MEXICO, but assembled in Texas and I'm Texican as the day is long...  Psalm 127:4 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.

Offline BOWMAN53

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Re: Sad, sad, sad people tricking bowyers worldwide :(
« Reply #34 on: December 31, 2013, 06:48:23 pm »

 Some people just need to be told when to stop and obviously they can't figure it out if I stay quiet even though they should.

agreed, now its time we tell you to stop. stop purposely going online to find some one you can call a liar. there are only a few people on here that get treated the way you do because you so blatantly insult our inteligence. you say you wanna help teach other people how to make bows, then stick to posting in the how to and build along section. heres a link to it,,6.0.html            now go post something educational and helpful. 

Offline osage outlaw

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Re: Sad, sad, sad people tricking bowyers worldwide :(
« Reply #35 on: December 31, 2013, 07:12:33 pm »
WB, I apologize if I offended you.  I have given you a bit of a hard time lately.  You are about the third kid that has been on here lately that has had the attitude of knowing everything.  It really aggravates me when someone with little experience throws advice around like they have been building bows for 20 years.  Dishonesty is another thing that really ticks me off.  I'm not the only one that calls you out on things that you post.  I don't go around bashing every body here.  I have to get pretty aggravated to make a negative post about somebody.  I'll leave you alone and won't say anything negative towards you.  I think your posts in this thread have shown your maturity level enough for everyone to see.

Now on a positive note, you do make some nice bows.  They are well tillered and look like they would be good shooters.  You should stick with it and stick with this site.   Take advantage of the vast knowledge that is shared on here.  Try to not be stubborn and listen to the criticism that people give you on your bows.  They are trying to help you out.
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Offline paoliguy

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Re: Sad, sad, sad people tricking bowyers worldwide :(
« Reply #36 on: December 31, 2013, 07:25:08 pm »
I really just wanted to let this go but while we are on this topic. Woodbandit you strike me as a talented young guy but you are not an expert on EVERYTHING. Granted, none of us are but you reply to posts with these authoritative answers that are 'less than accurate'. The one that pushed me over the edge was a response about string winding that, if followed, could have hurt someone. That's were the line gets crossed. I know this will probably offend you and that is not my attention but sometimes it's OK to listen rather than answer.


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Re: Sad, sad, sad people tricking bowyers worldwide :(
« Reply #37 on: December 31, 2013, 07:43:26 pm »
Well said Clint.  Bandit, you and I had a dust up a while back if I recall, and as a result I rarely comment on your posts, not out of spite or anger, simply that your nonsense gives me tired head.  You come on here in complete anonymity and call people thieves or crooks.  People who have no idea that these things are being said and cannot defend themselves.  THAT, is not helpful or kind or very manly.  Yet, when someone calls you out as a thief or a crook, and does so in the open you start complaining about how unkind OTHERS are.....See the dichotomy?  Listen more.  Show a little humility.  Treat others with a little more respect and you wont have this problem.
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Offline wood_bandit 99

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Re: Sad, sad, sad people tricking bowyers worldwide :(
« Reply #38 on: December 31, 2013, 08:04:59 pm »
I am sorry that I offend everyone and don't help at all and post "completely worthless" things even though I have been making strings since I was 8 and apparently don't know crap even though my bible is the bowyers bible. This is my last post but someday you will hear about me. I am sure.
"Judge a man by his questions, not his answers" ~Anonymous

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Offline JackCrafty

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Re: Sad, sad, sad people tricking bowyers worldwide :(
« Reply #39 on: December 31, 2013, 08:09:45 pm »
Any critter tastes good with enough butter on it.

Patrick Blank
Bellows Falls, Vermont
Youtube: JackCrafty, Allergic Hobbit

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Re: Sad, sad, sad people tricking bowyers worldwide :(
« Reply #40 on: December 31, 2013, 08:23:38 pm »
This is my last post but someday you will hear about me. I am sure.

Now, where have I heard this before... hmmm

Offline huisme

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Re: Sad, sad, sad people tricking bowyers worldwide :(
« Reply #41 on: December 31, 2013, 08:32:07 pm »
I am sorry that I offend everyone and don't help at all and post "completely worthless" things even though I have been making strings since I was 8 and apparently don't know crap even though my bible is the bowyers bible. This is my last post but someday you will hear about me. I am sure.

Everybody posts some bad eggs at some point. The distinction is a person's willingness to acknowledge this and learn. You make good bows most of the time, but people as new as you and me can not be an authority on anything.

Your making strings since you were eight is the same justification you dismiss when you are told many people here have been making bows for 20+ years. Knock it off.

But then, you're not posting anymore. Maybe not reading.
We tried. Your loss.
Black locust. Black locust everywhere.
Mollegabets all day long.
Might as well make them short, save some wood to keep warm.

Offline RyanR

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Re: Sad, sad, sad people tricking bowyers worldwide :(
« Reply #42 on: December 31, 2013, 08:32:27 pm »
Bandit, even though you are a know it all little kid, you do have the right to be on this site. You just need to learn to be a little more humble and spend a little more time listening to what these people have to say about bow building. Many of these people have been making bows longer than you have been alive. I am sure you know how to make good bows and it is certainly your right to share what you know but, you have not been alive long enough to consider yourself an expert. I certainly would hate to see a young person who is interested in building bows turn his back on this site. You can learn a lot here.

Offline KrisDelger

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Just a young guy with a filing cabinet for a memory and a whole lot of useless information.

Offline horatio1226

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Re: Sad, sad, sad people tricking bowyers worldwide :(
« Reply #44 on: December 31, 2013, 08:44:37 pm »
I have to say that I am really disappointed. This is sounding like some of the other trad archery sites that I no longer frequent because of childish squabbling. Who cares if the stave is twisted or not? Unless you have something constructive to offer, why say anything at all?  Is there something wrong with remaining a student and never being a teacher? How about we post what we've done that we are proud of and replying to posts with respect and humility. I for one am here to learn from you all.Just my 2 cents.