Wow I'm overwhelmed with all the kind words. Thank you all so much. This forum is what helped me learn so much! I'm not sure we realize how valuable this forum is.
I love how it shoots. First time I shot it I noticed something weird. It was the total lack of noise. This thing is silent.
When I peeled the bark off that's just how the back of the bow looked. Didn't change at all while it seasoned. It's stained brown from all the tannin in the bark. When I peeled it the wood was white then a few minutes later it started turning brown like when you leave an apple out.
I'm not very good at identifying oaks but here's a shot of the tree and what the leaves look like. As far as I can tell it's either Quercus laurifolia: Diamond Leaf Oak which is of the red oak family or it's a Quercus virginiana: Southern Live Oak which is of the white oak family.