Well I was really excited to finally get my first Overstreet guide, today. My wife said there would be a slight delay with the release of it. Soooo much stuff to check out!
Also, some things from the last couple days. Broke this pre-form this morning and I was pissed. Ugh. That's my first time breaking a half way decent effort. I'm treating coral, though.
Got an Osage bow going also, Eddie. Only 1 and 1/8th wide so I'm going long! Maybe 68-70" with some sweeping curves. I'll keep ya posted on that. Got some cane shafts ready today, too. I've got some new feathers Angie surprised me with for Christmas. Some yellow/chartreuse barred and HOT PINK! They'll look cool with stone points!
All in all a really good day.