Our Club (Hawkeye Bowmen) holds a Snowshoe Shoot every year for our Members. Despite a Winter Storm Warning posted by NOAA and over a 2 foot base of snow on the ground , 15 of our Diehard Members did it again this morning. Our Snowshoe Shoot is not limited to just Selfbows,but there is a large percentage of our Membership that shoots Primitive and Traditional bows. The course ran through our forest with six targets placed strategically. Many of the targets such as bedded deer had to be dug out prior to shooting. The rules are You take six arrows with you, snowshoe up to the shooting stake, shoot and go on to the next target. Shooters are staggered a minute apart and your time to complete the course is used in the event of a score tie. After everyone has shot the course we go back as a group to pull arrows and record scores. This year we had 15 Members brave the weather and compete. I think we probably would have had over 20 Members shoot except there was a storm warning and driving advisory in effect.
The Winners for the Primitive bow / wood arrows and wood snowshoes were:
1st place Kevin Raybould (Buffalo Gobbler)
2nd place Chuck LaFountain (Hole in the bow Chuck)
3rd place Dino Zack (Dino Rocks)