Here are a few pics. I'll try to explain it as I go. It is basically pretty simple.
this is the jig. The side rails are adjustable for different diameters.
the wing nuts are for adjusting the widths. The wood peg set in is the stop(for 10" taper) the holes in the bottom are for the sawdust to fall through. The abrasion on the rails is a 120grt sanding belt cut to size and added on with double sided carpet tape. Both the sanding belt and double sided tape are from ACE Hardware
I added these different diameter dowels to use for setting up the jig. I believe they are 5/16", 11/32" and 3/8". they fit loose where they are and fit the holes down the center of the base where the saw dust goes.
I chuck the dowel in my electric drill and spin the shaft pretty fast as I slowly push the shaft into the jig and move it back and forth as you go in.. Don't force it and take it slow and easy.