Thanks all, your comments are very encouraging.
I'm sorta embarrassed about not realizing I had the bow upside down.....Thanks again Blackhawk for the suggestion.
I did a technique that Osage Outlaw did on one of his bows, I thinned some TBIII with a little water and put three coats over the sinew to help in waterproofing before she gets skinned. I've got just about 25 shots through her at this point. I'm planning on shooting her a lot before adding some skins. Seems pretty snappy.
I want to do some handle work by adding some leather and forming it to a bulbous shape. Also, thin the tips a bit more. The string is nicely centered and tracks well when shot so far.
I'll get a few more pics up of the tips and handle after I shoot her in a bit. Hope she doesn't mind me taking her out not all dress up? I'd like to play a little "string music" with her at the Scottsburg shoot this weekend. Quoting Joe Dean Sr. for the old KY B-ball fans.
Again thanks to everyone for the nice comments and helping suggestions. But, some of you guys are scaring me with all of the "Sir's", I think once you meet me in person you'll change that.

As always, if you have any other suggestions I'd appreciate hearing them....again this is my first sinewed bow.
Till next time