Im a little confused by this post.Maybe my comprehension is off today

Originally,i thought your experiment was to see what properties of the common style of double curve self bow,made it so popular.Then you added the reflexed tips as was often used in the more complex composite construction.I have never seen the added reflexed tips on a self double curved bow,from the region specified in the earlier study.Did i interpret your experiment wrong or was there something i missed?
Bring me up to speed if you would please.
I have some personal theories on what made the double curve bow so popular in many cases.It flies in the face of what most consider a good bow today,but im not exactly sure if that is what you are after in your experiments,in this case,so i will refrain from expressing those at this time,until i know for sure.
No slight toward anything said or done here,in any way,its just like i said,im trying to get on board here and am having comprehention issues it seems.LOL
Either way,its a cool lookin bow,and im looking foreward to future developments and findings.