Thanks guys for the kind words

Im pleased with it myself,made it to targetweight and besides a couple of pinknots in the mid upper limb that made it twist a little it went as planned.
It shoots snappy and accuratly with a very smooth draw and zero handshock so technicaly it is my best so far.
Very Nice! And I love the narrow tips! What do you have growing in the tank behind you?
The plants in the tank is March pennyworth and i have a pair of small snakeheadfish in it (legal in sweden).
You treat your guests nicely!!
Of course,beside family my friends are the best i have

that one turned out nicely. Can't wait to see it with the oil on it. Bet that grain is pretty. Danny
I will post a pic when done,,it gets shimmering golden with faint yearrings btw.
sweet! I like the way you do your fades. Nice bend too.
Thanks,i try to get a "flow" in the look as well as minimize lenghth of the handle =more limb to bend